Marcus Schulkind


Marcus Schulkind specializes in Japanese Acupuncture, especially the work of Kiiko Matsumoto, and Diane Iuiliano.
Appointments In Boston, MA may be scheduled at the following times:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday from 8 AM to 4 PM
More information about Acupunture with Marcus Schulkind

Dance Teacher

Marcus Schulkind's dance and movement classes are held at The Dance Complex in Central Square, Cambridge, MA.
All classes require pre-registration.
More information about Dance Classes


Marcus Schulkind has been dancing for 54 years including performing in the companies of Lar Lubovitch, Kathy Posin, Martha Graham, Pearl Lang, Norman Walker and Batsheva Dance Company of Israel. As a choreographer, he has made pieces for First Night, Inc., Princeton Ballet, Dennis Wayne's Dancers, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, Elise Monte, National Ballet of Egypt, 5x2 Plus and Dance Partout.
More information about Marcus Schulkind's Choreography